I am 24 and have only ever suffered mild bouts of tonsillitus when in my early teens (about 2-3 times), I have had 2 really horrible bouts within the last 2 months, feeling really quite awful and quite debilatated (and quite bloomin frustrated too). Why has it decided to attack me so severely at this age??? Just a bit of a rant really as I don't do well with being ill!!
Tonsillitis in your 20's...why not? I assume it was tonsillitis and not glandular fever?
As you get older then the attacks of tonsillitis become less common, ....but go on have a rant eh!
I am wondering about glandular fever as both bouts were both so close together but docs seem to think it's definitely tosillitus. May request a blood test just in case... not that there's much to be done about it!! On the upside, the tonsillitus diet can't be bad for the wasteline!!
Hi, I feel for you! I had mine out when I was 19, dreadful time but worth it in the long run! If you get it frequrntly they may take yours out to preveny any further scarring. My o/h still gets it now and then and he is 33.