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Aww thanks guys. I've only just been alerted to your replies.
Yes squad, I wouldn't be QUITE so fearful if the local anaesthetic worked, but as I said earlier on in the thread, for some reason, I have problems with this.
When I had my first baby, I had no idea what to expect at the birth so opted for an epidural. This had no effect at all. The partial numbness I felt occured 2-3 hours after I was back in my room, guaged by a very small patch, the size of a 50p piece, where all sensation was lost. Therefore, when I had a major op last year, I had to speak with the anaethetists on several occasions before I was given a spinal block and then put to sleep.
NoMercy, the decision not to drink alcohol was of my own volition before I even knew about this latest problem. I stopped drinking during pregnancy 12 years ago, and after that even very small amounts affected me, so I decided that it was a waste of time and gave it up completely. That was months ago now. Perhaps old habits've caught up with me, but I won't know until a biopsy's been performed.
As for my diet, I must have one of the healthiest in the country - lol. I only eat organic and free range food, with plenty of fruit, green veg, salad, fibre and fish - because I prefer it to meat. After a 6-week study by a hospital nutritionist, it couldn't be faltered. Wish I could put it all down to the intake of fats, although this wouldn't necessarily cause a "fatty" liver, but I can't. I get plenty of exercise and look - and felt - fit until quite recently. There has to be an underlying cause for all this, and although I appreciate that a biopsy's looming, it's the one thing that's caused me to have the wobbles, especially about the anaesthesia bit..
Thank you ever so much for all your help, and yes Robinia - I think I'm going to want a HUGE treat after all this. xxxx