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alternative therepies - type2 diabetes

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grandfatherd | 08:24 Wed 12th Jan 2011 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
Is it worth investigating alterative medicines to use/take with normal? medication, ie metformin?.


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When I was first diagnosed with type 2 a friend at work was in his final stages of a 5 year homeopathy course and gave me treatment. Cant really say it worked as I didnt see a reduction in my blood/sugar levels.

Sensible diet and keeping fit/active seems to be the best way to control it. I'm on metformin which helps but would like to get to a point whereby I'm diet controlled only. Not sure if it will ever go away but its all about keeping those readings down.

I was 40 when diagnosed so diabetes has years to have its wicked way with me! Got to be careful.
Alternative therapies might help you to lose weight or give up alcohol which would help you diabetes especially if you have confidence in them
The only way to control type 2 is to control what goes in your I right Sqad ?
if there was an alternative therapy that worked for diabetes, doctors would know about it and prescribe it if it helped to maintain better control. Having said that my mum has type 2 and she is on a trial of omega something or other - not sure what the results are
What ?
Homeopathy didn't work ?

Amazing !
bednobs....could it be omega 3 fish oils?

Some studies have shown that 1000mgms omega 3 reduces the incidence of heart disease to which diabetics are prone.
could well be sqad
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Very interesting, thankyou everyone.
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alternative therepies - type2 diabetes

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