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The evil weed.....

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mrs.chappie | 21:46 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Body & Soul
90 Answers
Wacky baccie.....some think it should be legalised and use it as a painkiller. Has anyone used it for this purpose?


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However much pain I was in I would not like to lose control of my faculties. I have always been like this and do not even like taking cocodamol for arthritis, although I do occasionally.
Tried it, and also if i was in huge pain ,yes!!

Cant smoke tobacco Though, would need to eat it or use a pipe/ bong x
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I'd be a bit worried about losing my faculties, too. Although I've been told you just feel like you're a bit drunk.
It`s a different feeling to being drunk (according to how you react to alcohol obviously). Alcohol makes you upbeat but dope makes you downbeat. i`ve tried it in Oz with my friends there who all seem to love it. I went to a party there and only had one drink and couldn`t figure out why I felt like I wanted to fall over then I realised it was because everyone was smoking dope. It`s way overrated and a waste of time and money.
Don't recall it easing pain, certainly didn't ever make me sleepy and was very unpleasant if taken in excess.
Carlton were you in Thimble today?
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Just a waste of thim for me, it just made me feel sleepy and giggly
I think it depends on the person!
I hope it works for you MrsC .
Thimble??? Where`s that?
sorry I meant the Thimble Inn in Piddletrenthide. Obviously you weren't!
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I don't want to try it, soaps. I did try it, many years ago. Didn't have any effect on me at all.
No Prudie, The Langton Arms in Tarrant Monkton
The Thimble Inn near Piddlehinton, I`m going there next.
Well on a day like today I'm sure it was lovely carlton.
Judghing by the replys on here,I think it affects other's differently.
Cannabis is a hallucinogenic drug.
It is still illegal and is supplied by criminals who exploit poor people to smuggle it into this country.
The strength and purity of any bit of cannabis bought is to say the least uncertain.
It can tip people over the edge to serious mental illness.
One person becoming seriously mentally ill is one too many.
This is my opinion to which I am entitled, though I am aware that many people disagree with me.
Or they disagree until they see someone who has suffered and continues to suffer the consequences of taking this drug or being associated with someone who takes or sells this drug.
If it was tested , regulated and prescribed legally I would have no problem with it. As of now, it's just too fraught with danger.
Talking about those bread rolls reminds me when I was a kid. I'd gone to visit my nanna with my sister. We were in the kitchen and we both nibbled some of the lovely uncut bread that my nanna used to buy. My nanna was in the living room, so she didn't know.
When we went to visit her the following week, she told us that she had been barred from the local shop because she had taken the loaf back and complained about the mice that they must have in the shop.
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I don't know if it's true.....I once read that Paul McCartney smokes it.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the music business at the time of the Beatles and after that didn't smoke it Mrs C.
ladyalex, is it a hallucingenic? I have never heard that

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