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Percentage of Banned Answers

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brachiopod | 13:35 Wed 30th Mar 2005 | Body & Soul
34 Answers

The proportion of my answers that have been banned is currently running at a rather paltrey 1.43%.

Should I try to be more personally offensive in future, or just punctuate my answers with lots of swear words?

What do other AB'ers think, and what is there % Banned ?



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If you think your %age is bad mine is currently 0.27%.

Rest assured brachiopod to me you'll always be offensive.

Posting your questions in the wrong section ought to be grounds for banning, if not Termination. This one should clearly be filed under Animals.



follow my lead i am on an offence percentage of 8.68

0.66%.  I just don't see the point in ******* swearing.

5% of answers, mostly to do with religion so I try to keep opinions thoughts mainly to myself nowadays.

I also have had 3 questions banned due to asking derogatory and sarcastic questions related to specific products or companies.

1.45 % of answers banned and 6 questions out of 157 banned.
Something went wrong, during the posting of one of my answers, last week; it posted about six times instead of once. All but one were banned, when they just needed deleting.
3.6% banned, although I think these were more 'removals' rather than bans (multiple answers etc), I am an inoffensive person really - honest guv, straight up! 

jno, was that because 'paltry' was mentioned?

1075 out of 8376, which is about 13%
none! How angelic am i!
AB claims to have banned 2 out of my 194 answers, but I can still find 193 of them. The one they actually banned seemed totally innocuous and referred to chocolate soldiers (I wonder if they'll ban this one?)

4 banned being 2.40%. 2 of those referred to Michael Jackson and 2 were derogatory remarks on a joke Q.

1 Banned Question referring to A.B.Ed, sorry Ed.

Sorry I forgot to answer the question!

22 out of 513 about 4.3%

But about six of them were deleted duplicated answers.

-- answer removed --

Questions: 12.5%
Answers: 3.3%

In A Pickle:
Questions: 2.6%
Answers:  0.99%

Whoops . Questions 7.6%!

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