Both male and female look identical, but there is a way to tell them apart if you can get close enough. The brown cap on the forehead forms a 'U' shape on the male, and a 'V' shape on the female. All juveniles are brown with spotted breasts.
thanks to both of you, I saw a pair in the garden yesterday, and knowing their reputation for aggression and intollerance of other robins I thought they must be a mating pair, but was confused by the breasts. Not for the first time either.
Cetti you can't see the top of our robins heads at this time of year 'cos they're all wearing their tin helmets. I think the males are the ones with pea-shooters!
Don't worry issy, I don't mind a bit of a frivolity. There was once, I even replied sarcastically myself. Mind you, I'm still not sure if they were a mating pair or a just a couple of pacifists.
It is notsarcasm issy, and I hope Chillum would be the first to agree that the bit of light hearted banter started after two full and serious answers were given - not a one word answer which I considered to be extremely rude!