PVD - most common in women in 50s and 60s and generally benign. Warrant investigation ASAP to rule out retinal trauma in my opinion but detachment is very rare.
Local enhanced eye care services across the country. E.g.
My advice to people with recent onset floaters is to phone their optometrist to see if they are registered with these schemes. Our county wide schemescheme has these appointments for flashes and floaters, red eyes, dry eye symptoms, double vision, and recent onset blurred vision. You can just book an appointment with a local registered optometrist and have your symptoms investigated. These appointments are paid for by the PCT.
In your circumstances you would have your pupils dilated for thorough investigation to rule out retinal trauma and if necessary would be referred directly to the local ophthalmology department. Most would be reassured with advice to seek urgent attention if symptoms change/worsen.