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Sleepless night again

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tinkerbell23 | 11:39 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
Those who know me will know its been sleepless nights for me for a while! Do u think my doc would give me ONE tablet for one nights decent sleep? Mabye to kick start me again!!? I dt want to depend on them x


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Not yet tinks but will be going to see my GP when she's back from holiday. She's been gone for 3 weeks and I don't like any of the other docs.
i can totally empathise with you tinks, i'm not a good sleeper at the best of times but there have been periods when i've not slept at all.
if you were my daughter i'd be on the phone right now to get you an appointment. do it. NOW! ;o)
Tinks, I suffer the same problem. I have to be up for work by 7 and I have seen me still awake at 6am! It's a nightmare. I have tried Nytol and Kalms. The doc prescribed me a mild sleeping pill as I told him I didn't want to be dependent on them. They didn't work, so he prescribed a much stronger tablet. I took one and felt awful the next day. I have just come to the conclusion I am not meant to get much sleep! I read an article a while back where it said there are people who need 10 hours sleep and others who only need 2! I hope you manage to get it sorted soon, it's horrible not being able to sleep. Are you worried about anything?
Have you tried Horlicks. I have found that really works when you need to stop your mind racing and settle down.
Try lavender either spray lavender essence on your pillow or a few drops of oil, or simply pick some fresh lavender and palace it within the pillowcase - it does work and it's natural
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I have a preferred doctor too jan so i understand that! I always liked my sleep before! I love sleeping lol when i actually can! Mabye cos im not in my teens anymore- when i was younger i slept like a log! And when i do sleep i sleep deeply! I hav a busy life and maby nt switching off properley. My mind does get carried away to be honest at times. Mabye its that but i try meditation abd everything on youtube and clean sheet and candles haha u name
It x
Grasscarp's suggestion of Horlicks is a good one. It contains tryptophan , which helps a lot of people sleep.
However, if that doesn't work, I'd go to the GP, explain the problem and get a couple of sleeping tablets to try to break the cycle.
I'd take them when I wasn't doing anything the next day, though, just in case they worked too well.
Thank you Ladyalex for endorsing my suggestions. Many years ago my husband and I could not sleep at night as his business was going through a nightmare scenario that I wont go into. For some reason I tried Horlicks and it really saved me from going over the edge because I got the sleep that I badly needed.
I don't know what equipment you have available so this may not be practical. Could you get something with pillow speakers and try some of these relaxation CDs - waves lapping, breeze blowing etc. Whatever you do try I would avoid alcohol.
I spoke to a Professor at Guildford University, he was a sleep professor, or whatever you call it. He said to go to bed at midnight, get up at 6.30 am and look out of the window at the early morning light. No naps during the day. This is to condense the sleep pattern which seems to make sense. problem with me is, I can go to bed at midnight but if i get up at 6.30 I will wake up the whole househole including the cat so that was a no-no. I have Temazapam from the doctor and take a 10mg every couple of weeks, usually when I have had a really bad night the night before, definitely not on a regular basis. Also you could buy Somnivex, they are really good and you dont feel groggy in the morning. The doctor may give you ten days supply of sleeping tablets and tell you to take one every night, to try and get your body clock sorted out. Good luck, I know how awful it is, especially on these hot nights.
I sympathise Tinks I used to be able to sleep for England but just lately when I wake after a couple of hours I can't get back to sleep.

I have tried going to bed later I always sleep withe the window open & regulate the bedding dependent on the temperature.

I note from one of the posts that you are studying do you have a break from studying for 30 mins or so before you go to bed - all of the above warm not hot bath milky drink perhaps read a chapter of a light book I have taken an antihistimine now and again instead of kalms of nytol - night nurse made me feel awful. Get comfortable breathe out in a sigh and forget about not being able to sleep. Another trick I use is instead of counting sheep I work my way up our high street going into each shop and buying something - I never get to the top of the high street. Good Luck it is an awful feeling and the more you worry about it the less you sleep
Tinks I mentioned insomnia bands that worked for me, if you google anti-insomnia bands there are a few sites you could try, good luck.
Hi tinks - I am on regular sleeping pills - even had a stronger prescription - and look where I am now ;) They don't work for everyone, so I would recommend a more natural way if at all possible. Mind you - I don't do shifts, nor do I study on top of a job. You have a lot on your plate at the moment. I think you need to have a quiet time before attempting sleep. Switch off the pc and phone and relax yourself towards a sleepy state. Have you tried anything like a relaxer or playing certain sounds on a cd to wind down? Good luck xxx
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Thanks for all your kind and caring replies i am still awake :0(

I will check ebay for insomnia band! I do read before bed- always always!! And have had relaxing cds also! Id prefer to stay natural so will be popping to chemist to see what i get i think before doctors- im
On annual leave just now but back at work monday so i want to sort this out xx
this is from an insomniac - I too suffer from the above big time - and also when I dont get sleep I am fit for nothing next day. Take one of tablets God bless us you will never be addicted if you have get 4 or 5 sitting beside you - I take one every night and I sleep like a baby - if one tiny tablet helps you then to me it is worth it. I know addiction comes to mind but but your are not going out to kill anybody or anything serious like that - just slumber.
Tinks, you have had plenty of suggestions here so I hope you get something sorted out soon. I'll just add one further thing to the pot - David Attenborough !! If you have a tv in the room, try watching one of his series like Blue Planet or Life on Earth - the relaxing tone of his voice and the general programme content always have me drifting off. (And just to add, I do love the programmes too and watch them again to actually see them !)
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I really REALLY appreciate all the advice amd support and will keep you posted on how i get on with all your tips thanks alot xxxxxxxx

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