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oxymoron | 15:58 Sun 21st Aug 2011 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
Is it possible that taking Dexamethasone would give you hiccups ?


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some recent evidence here http://www.ehealthme....dexamethasone/hiccups
16:18 Sun 21st Aug 2011
Never ever seen it or heard about it causing hiccoughs.
It most certainly did with my husband, I am sure there has been research into it. do you know it was the dexamethasone?
Process of elimination and the timing of the attacks.
Also the good auspices of the professionals at the Christie Hospital.
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Thanks for answering Squad it`s just that my husband is on a course of Chemo and he has to take Dexamethasone for three days after the treatment. It just seems strange that he also gets hiccups after taking the tablets.I think it is a sort of steroid.
mmmmm! not very specific then.

I Have known dexamethasone to cure hiccoughs but not to cause it.
or this one, but the article is 12 years old and has probably been superseded http://www.ncbi.nlm.n.../articles/PMC1305437/
Precisely the same happened to Bill, Oxy and it was quite debilitating while it lasted.
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Thanks Mamyalynne glad to know I was`nt imagining it.
Sqad the timing is actually quite specific and they can change the medication or discontinue it if the patient does get a lot of nausea.
^does not^

It is used commonly in malignant disease and I am more impressed that tumour spread may cause the hiccoughs than the drug.

However I stand corrected.
hiccups is mentioned in the BNF as a side effect of taking dexamethasone, so i would have to disagree with sqad
It was an interesting exchange though and we all learn different things as we travel along.
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Thanks everyone for your input. I have learnt a lot more and appreciate all your answers.

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