I have been tee-total all my life, and various girlfriends have drunk to varying levels.
Not drinking is ny choice - as drinking was theirs, so as long as they didn;t get lairy, everything was fine, and i had no bad experiences with any of them.
As an absolute rule, i would never indulge in any activity with any woman if i was not sure she would do the same if she was sober - that's just taking advantage - but no, i never had any problem with any of my partners haviung a drink, and it was never a problem for them, the oppoiste in fact as they would always be looked after and get home safely.
The present Mrs Hughes may have a half of shandy if we are out, but by no means every time, and people rarely drink at our place, although it is always offered - offspring have usually driven over with children, so will not drink at all.