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Reading on the throne

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mungbeanz | 12:28 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | Body & Soul
74 Answers
I have a problem in that every time nature calls I have to read something, anything at all. It is impossible to go without frantically searching for something to read. An old passport or a bottle of mouthwash, even old receipts. There's only so many times you can read a bank note. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is this strange behaviour?


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I also read on the loo - a habit the present Mrs hughes hates because she says it spreads germs.

She will usually yell at me through the door, but it's never stopped me yet!
i'm with B00 - in our house people go in when they need a poo, do a poo then come out
best thing is to buy those joke loo rolls, the ones with crosswords or jokes, then you can try and solve the puzzle or have a laugh, and let nature take it course.
If a genuine query then it appears to me to be compulsive behaviour. You've got into the habit and now don't feel relaxed enough unless complying. My advice is to try to wean yourself off the ritual.
There is a difference between choosing to read because your system isn't that efficient, and feeling a necessity to do so.
I'm never in there long enough to want to read anything - feel urge, go, finish.

I used to work with a bloke who borrowed my newspaper every morning, it took me a while to twig that he was taking it to read while he had a poo - lovely, I wanted to read that while I ate my lunch....
how any pages do you have to read before you have enough to substitute the toilet paper
i have a huge basket of bog books and magazines next to my throne...and spend ages in there. nothing like relaxing, eh? x
can't see what the problem is - if it works for you - if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Stressing about it is weird though imho!
If I were you, mung, I'd just keep a pile of old newspapers or stuff which comes through the door, in the loo - then you wouldn't need to dash about looking for something to take with you. It sounds like a distraction ploy to me - did you have trouble going to the loo when you were little, perhaps your mum distracted you by giving you something to read?
Man hostage usually puts the paper I bring him home in the loo so it's there if anyone fancies a read while doing what nature intended but I wouldn't desperately hunt around if there was nothing to read in the loo. I think that aspect of the behaviour is abnormal.
I do that thing of 'how many words can I make out of....' so any random word on a bathroom product gves me a meditative break and some small intellectual exercise.
You can only use each letter once, plurals are allowed, no foreign words or abbreviations.
And nothing is touched by human hand apart from toilet paper.
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take a Kellogs cereal box in with you - and then you can read, eat and dump all at the same time.

I admire your life efficiency, mungbeanz.
I have to say, nowhere was as relaxing as the outside throne room with the cool fresh air wafting in under the door and th distant sounds of the city.
...and really old houses have two-seater outside facilities.
My brother-in-law reckoned it was the only place he could get a bit of peace from the family.
Last years telephone directory...
No JO - it'll block the drains....
Use andrex.
or a spoon.
Leave the book called "War and Peace" in there, or maybe the book they call "The Good Book". Let us see you read all that whilst on "the throne". Failing that any old book will do.

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