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Reading on the throne

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mungbeanz | 11:28 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | Body & Soul
74 Answers
I have a problem in that every time nature calls I have to read something, anything at all. It is impossible to go without frantically searching for something to read. An old passport or a bottle of mouthwash, even old receipts. There's only so many times you can read a bank note. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is this strange behaviour?


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Well I missed this one, you need something to relax you so a bit of light reading is the trick... 'feeling a little self concious'... suggest that for a good read.

...and erm how many ladies on here have criticized for having spent too much time in the 'bathroom' how dare ya'
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I like to take a sandwich and a thermos of soup in with me...
spending time in the bathroom titivating, arksided, is altogether different from parking yourself on the loo and reading....
Especially if someone is outside and waiting to use it, boxy.
aw yes, starby, that's how Irish dancing started (have you seen that vid?).
No I haven't seen it boxy, can you put a link? I am hopeless at anything like that but can follow a link.
Suffered from this condition for years and decided to keep a heavy dictionary in there and learn new words at each visit. Happy to say it was a complete cure and I dont need to read any more. Now have an obsession to listen to the radio instead.
Can't win!
seadogg, I have to listen to the radio in the bath - it's not the same without the radio on!
Thanks boxy - really funny and believable!
Of course, Boxtops. The rubber ducks insist!
Don't have this problem, there is always a wordsearch or crossword book in our bathroom!
This is hilarious behaviour - I bet I'm in and out of the loo in a couple of minutes - just go in to do what you have to do! ...... I do look around though and note what needs cleaning ..... mirror etc
Exactly ann!
I reserve the Letters column of the Telegraph to bog-time reading : )
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On a slightly different tack - ladies - do you ever wonder just what other ladies are doing in there, when you're in the queue in a public loo? Some people take ages, shuffling about - or deadly silent - me, I'm in and out!
i'm exactly the same mung! And always have been. I remember as a kid being able to recite the back of the air freshener, the boring bit that said: 'do not pierce or incinerate, even when empty' and then there's the good old shampoo bottle: 'should product get into eyes, rinse immediately with clean water', or the old favourite: 'Should you have any queries or comments about any of our products, please contact us at the following address'
er... I think I too have a problem!

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Reading on the throne

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