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Sqad ..

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smurfchops | 19:05 Thu 15th Dec 2011 | Body & Soul
59 Answers
Are you on the mend ?


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hope are missed and crimble is round the corner...x
Smurfy. Thanks for asking.....bored to tears in a single room in a hospital in Palma and Mrs sqad can only get over once a week....Saturday is her next visit.
Tomorrow is my big day as they will decide whether to pop on stents OR open heart bypass.

Just you look after yourself.
a new heart for Christmas... we'll have to call you Scrooge
Keep smiling Sqad, and keep posting, AND leave those nurses alone!!!!!
wish you all the best, hope its stents, you'll be out for christmas.
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yes hope all goes to plan Sqad, you're my fave xx Out of interest have you wished at anytime that you were in UK for all of this, NHS or private?
im sorry to hear things havent been good for you lately sqad,
heres to a speedy mend! x
Wishing you a speedy recovery ya old goat :P
Whatever they decide tomorrow Sqad, I wish you well! Hope you get over this quickly!
Thinking about you and wishing you well xx
Thinking of you, Sqad, and missing your posts. X
We'd send you a card but we haven't got the full addres:-

"To the grumpy old(ish) Englishman who is arguing with the doctors and harassing the nurses" is all that we have.

Susan x
All the best to you sqad..we'll all be thinking of you tomorrow. Take care x
I suspect Sqad is just doing research to increase his knowledge for future AB problems.
I hope all goes well for you
If I may be so bold, I take it you have tried 600mg of Ibuprofen and monitoring the situation. :)

Get well soon.
I know exactly how you're feeling Sqad, I went through the same preceedure in Sept. Every day I was told something different, maybe a Stent, maybe the op, different consultants changed their minds in the meantime it was an Electocardiogram every other day.
Then the big day came when they tranferred me to a specialist Heart & Lung hospital ready for open heart syrgery next day.
Here we are 3 months later and I'm not quite there yet but well on the way, it will take a few more months. I am told I'll feel like a new woman.
I'm wondering if all goes well whether you'll feel like a new woman too. (don't tell Mre Sqad I said that)
Good luck to youI wish you well & will be thinking of you.

Thinking of you Sqad and hope you are out before Christmas x

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