For several weeks, probably longer I've had this pain that starts in the lower of my right buttock and goes down to the top of my thigh. It's not excruciating, more of the sort of ache you get after cramp and it's pretty much constant. I notice it more when I'm sitting down although that could just be cos I've got other things on my mind while I'm walking around so not paying attention to it. Any suggestions/ideas?
I know people who've had sciatica and have been almost unable to walk, I don't think mines nearly painful enough. I don't think it's Anyang to do with the coccyx either, its not really in the right place. Been taking ibuprofen for weeks.
It's not really something I consider worthy enough of a trip to the docs for though.
Please see your doctor. Hip and leg pain in women can denote a kidney problem. A simple water or blood test would diagnose, or maybe the doctor can just put your mind at rest. It may just be a trapped nerve.
If it is sciatica, you could trying gently massaging the part of your foot (trust me) on the inside just below the ankle and above the heel - you know that little hollow bit? Just a little circling motion and see how you go, but I agree with the others if it continues you should see the doc
Hmm, maybe I'll do some reading up on that then while I consider a trip to my GP. Why is it all my appointments at the surgery always result in my having to take my trousers off!!! :S
Thanks for the answers and apologis firewatch for dismissing your idea I'd sciatica. Id just always come across it on others as being extremely painful.
it sounds like sciatica to me , however im not a medical person.
but i would put one point accross.
just because it is not crippling now , the fact you feel enough discomfort to mension it at all would suggest its an on going thing. A body is like anything mechanical if a problem arrises however small , unless sorted it Will only get worse.
I hadn't really thought of that Arwyn but it's a good suggestion. The scar I have is quite large from the top of my bum to about 5 inches up so it could be linked I suppose, although I don't think the pain is directly linked to the coccyx. I'll see what he thinks when I see him.