I have had an undiagnosed lung problem for about 2 weeks - no luck with antiobiotics. Symptoms include a wheezy, crackly chest, bad shoulder and backpain and some breathlessnes and an annoying but dry cough
The doctor has just told me that the xray shows a shadow on one lung and has referred me for an urgent consultant appointment.
Obviously I am really scared. Is there realistically anything this can be but cancer? Waiting for the appointment is going to be hell on earth so feedback from any ABers with knowledge or experience of this sort of thing would be enormously appeciated. I may be offline for a few hours so if I don't respond to feedback immediately. please don't think I'm not grateful for it.
I do not know whether you are a smoker or that you have any underlying medical condition but the simple answer to your question is yes, there are many conditions that can be responsible for that shadow from benign tumours to unresolved infections.
It would be stupid of me to say that cancer was not on the list, but it would be one of many other considerations.
My sister has had similar symptoms since December - cough, general aches and pains, etc. She had several courses of antibiotics which didn't help. Then following an X-ray she was told there was a mark on her lung. After a couple of weeks' anxious wait to see him the specialist told her last week it was pneumonia and she has been put on a two month course of steroids.
Your symptoms almost mirror those of my wife about 6 years ago. She had a dry cough, an Xray showed a shadow on her lung and we thought the worst.
She was taking a new type of BP tablet. I looked it up on the internet to look for side effects. These showed that some were allergic to the tablet. I contacted the Doctor about her tablets and he changed them for something else. Her condition improved almost immediately and is now in fine health.
Thank you all for your replies.
Sqad, I haven't smoked for 35 years and the only ongoing condition I know of is gastric reflux.
gem_mother and rov1100, thanks for your messages of hope. I don't take blood pressure tablets but it's just heartening to know there may be other explanations.
I have had 10 (literally) sleepless nights but I'm hoping to catch up a few hours tonight.
I'll keep you posted...
*not a doctor* but pneumonia/pleurisy sounds most likely. If you have a fever as well then an infection is the likeliest answer. I've read medical books most of my life and rarely miss the target so will support previous answers.
HiBeckersjay, can totally understand your worry and fear - but as all have said it could be any number of causes. Sending you positive thoughts and a ((HUG)) ♥
Thank you all for your encouraging replies (and the hug). Have just reread my first post and seen the typo - should say I've had this for at least 4 weeks not 2!
Have had no fever with this but forgot to mention awful stomach distension. Had another bad night with little or no sleep and really hope the appointment comes soon!
Annea, I did mention it to the GP, who was a bit reluctant because most prescription sleeping drugs also depress breathing, which could be a problem! Suggested I try Nytol but this didn't seem to hit the spot!
my BIL has exactly the same problem as you beckersjay.
1st xray showed a shadow on his lung. 2nd exray was clear after the big scare.
Family are so very much relieved . Wish you well x
Now discharged from hospital with diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer which has spread to chest glands and pericardium. Waiting for decisions re treatment etc.
I'm trying so hard to keep positive but it's SO hard.
bekersjay. I`m so sorry to hear this. I`m new on here but know that you will have the support of many good people on this site.
What can I say, other than I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.
So sorry to hear your update. I hope you have close family and/or friends around you for support. From what I see on this site, there's usually support here whatever the time of day. x
Really sorry to hear your news.. hopefully they can get you on treatment to extend your life and improve how you are feeling, there are some newish chemo drugs around that seem to be making a bit of difference so everything crossed for you
Thank you all for your good wishes and hugs. I should hear about treatment plans sometime next week - until then there's a sort of 'phoney war 'feel about it all. I go from feeling quite positive to right down in the dumps umpteen times a day but i guess that's par for the course.