So, for twenty-odd years, we have been subjected to the notion that 21 units was the ‘safe' weekly limit for men and 14 units for women and this was clearly based on - literally - no scientific evidence whatsoever! 21 units represents about 1½ pints of ordinary beer per day (ppd).
The World Health Organisation published their guidelines some thirteen years later, splitting them into three categories of risk...low, medium and high. Their weekly figures were...low: up to 35 units (2½ ppd); medium: 36 - 53 units (3 - 4 ppd) and high: 54 + units (4+ ppd). (Women...18; 19 - 35; 36 +) Thus, a medium-risk 53 units (about 27 pints) per week equals just under four ppd for a man. NOW we're talking!
Even better...when we were sorting our figures out back in the 1980s, the Japanese were trying to calculate theirs, too. They came up with 90 units a week! Over six pints a day...better still!
Drink and be merry is my advice!