Vodka, I had this in the States and was due to fly into Minneapolis and onto Billings.
I was totally blocked and the ex suggested seeing a local doc, rather than going to see my own quack who was 25 miles away bit a leading GP. Anyway, she looked in my ear and was horrified by what she saw.
"DTC if you fly to Minneapolis in the next two days, you will risk bursting your ear drum, if you go onto Billings, you may need reconstruction on your Eustachian."
I ended up driving to Minneapolis, some 1100 miles overnighting, forwent the visit to a Wyoming Sugar customer and focused on the client report out to the board.
Don't travel,unless there is a huge improvement by tomorrow morning - your ears are more precious.
If there is that improvement, but still partly blocked, use a hot towel,as hot as you can bear, and bathe the area, leaving the cloth over your ear. This helps loosen the snot and get the balance in the Eustachian, that popping of the ears on descent.