Hello yet again,
Another thing you could try is working out how you become anxious. Your own unique and wonderful strategy for becoming anxious. This is NLP neuro linguistic programming. When I became anxious I thought it just happened but we create it. It may start by a thought or feeling or just a vagueness but we create it.
The theory is that if you can get a sense of how you create your anxiety you can start to play around with it and then you take some control over it.
The voice that maybe in your head, well give it a silly sound. Where do you feel it, well can you move it somewhere else, does that feeling have it's unique motion well turn it in a different way. The image that is in your head turn the colour off and if you can do that push it far away until it disappears. The aching muscles, well why not try and use different muscles why just using the same ones.
All the time taking more control over how YOU run your body.