Just had a phone call - you know my mum died from cancer aged just 59, a couple of years ago. Well her sister, my aunt fell ill last week - wen to hosp, did barrage of tests and she has the same and is not likely to last until the weekend.Has developed pheumonia on top of it all and is not conscious now.
Am very sad, and it make my own stupid problems pretty insignificant.
Why should it? Both problems affect you deeply I think trying to create some sort of heirarchy of issues is unhelpful sometimes something really 'minor' canb cause severe distress when a catastrophic event can be met with fortitude and calm.... Really sad for your family though....hopefully your partner will be able to set his issues to one side to support you
Anything that upsets you is significant. Unfortunately we all have to leave at some point. One may take comfort in the fact that being unconscious she is no longer suffering.
Think I meant that what my cousins(her children) are going through right now is exactly what I went through, and that was horrendous compared to anything going on in my life right now.
Sorry to hear about your news Smowball and don't feel guilty because your problems shouldn't be insiginificant now than any other time and we are all here for each other.
You are a good caring person and just because your aunt is ill doesn't make your problems any less insignificant and all your fellow abbers are here for you x