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nailit | 18:23 Mon 20th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Do you consider people with addictions to be ill or selfish? (or somewhere inbetween)


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having known any number of alcoholics, they were ill, and the addiction was too strong to break. Lost at least five, six friends this way.
Ill. Anyone could become addicted. If they carry other problems too then they have much more chance of finding what they think is an answer in a bottle.
Ill. It's a mental problem. Serious addictions need medical help.
I would say that they are ill, but the nature of the illness tends to make addicts selfish.
ill definitely
A.B. Is this not an addiction?
it is. You innocently come here to find the answer to 1a, 8 letters, and stay to answer questions on every subject under the sun.
Ill. But it makes addicts worse than selfish.
Weak-willed to begin with, MAYBE, but definitely ill once established
Ill, addicts do not see themselves as being ill until it is almost too late, we have lost a couple of friends - single men- to alcoholism. Having said that I used to enjoy smoking, 10-15 cigarettes a day, which could be said that I was addicted to nicotine. I didn't think of myself being ill. Looking back I would say I was selfish smoking in the office before the no-smoking ban came into force.
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baldric, been weak willed has nothing to do with addictions.
I was addicted to smoking for many years. Didn't consider myself ill, but maybe a bit selfish on occasions.
"been weak willed has nothing to do with addictions."

Maybe so, but it makes it a damn sight harder to fight them.

Some people have addictive tendencies others do not. I know someone who was addicted to drugs, but managed to kick the habit and redirect his obsession to sport. Now he trains day and night and participates in all manner of extreme tests of endurance which suits his addictive personality perfectly.

I on the other hand quit smoking, only to replace it with a sugar addiction, quit that and am now addicted to sitting on here all night!

Addictions are not always an illness nor always harmful but something that takes hold for better or for worse.
nailit, how does an addiction start then?
Somewhere in between. I think most addictions are a form of mental illness but they make individuals act very selfishly.
those i have known were not selfish just ill, one drink was all it took, hooked and then on a downward spiral. I dated one guy and had no idea he was an alcoholic until one day early morning found him downing large whiskies. I was horrified, he was a lovely bloke, but he couldn't get through any day without drink.
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Baldric, addictions start in many different ways. Ive always drank since been a teenager and then discovered that i couldnt stop without help. I then went years sober but EVERY DAY I thought of drink (and recently started drinking again). I have been very strong willed in other areas of my life so its not about been weak willed (ive also dabbled in drugs without becoming addicted)
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also have to agree that addictions can make a person very selfish

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