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Thanks all. I was feeling a bit desperate Tony, been a long painful day and GP said they should kick in in about 4 hours. They have already shut Mamya though thankfully Sqad is on hand (what would we do without him!).
The pain has been bad all day. My hands have been really painful first thing the last few days though settled, my knees were really bad yesterday evening late on then today it was all hell let loose, fingers, hands, wrists and knees really bad, hips really painful and rhomboids burning with the fibro, with them all (the arthritis bits) swelling up and just not settling.
They are 5 mg tablets and GP (and label) says to take 8 in one go at the same time once a day. I have 56 for a week's supply.
Morning relief would be good, be able to try and get comfortable enough for some decent rest and I start work usually just before 7am and finish earlier though weekend now thank goodness! I can get to rest later in the day then and painkiller out to try to get to sleep earlier.
Going to get off laptop soon and just lie and rest in front on TV as painful to hope this kicks in soon!