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Sympatthy please....

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divegirl | 18:26 Fri 28th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
....Just got back from my second visit of the day at the dentists...the second one being as emergency appointment :0(
I went to see about having root canal but she decided the tooth was too far gone and need extraction. It needs to be done [as a referral] under sedation as the root is hooked or something.
But OMG when the anaesthetic wore off the pain was unbearable so I had to go back in.
Just got total agony and have to work till 11 tonight.... not a happy bunny.

Lisa x


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Hi Lisa, 600mgs of iburofen, monitor the situation and get back to me, does that sound familiar. lol
Not joking about the iburofen. x
OMG, have you painkillers? I hope it's sorted soon. Hugs and loads of sympathy
Sorry to hear that, hope it improves soon.
Ah, you've got my sympathy Lisa. I currently have 6 stitches in my gum since I had to have roots removed this week (I won't put you off by going into detail, but it bloody hurts). Agree about the ibuprofen, but get some co codamol too x
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pmsl@ Tony...

She's given me anti-biotics as I don't think she knew what else to do! I've had 6 injections and it's still throbbing and if it gets touched it's life an electric shock!
Its been packed with some Oil of clove dressing and just have to wait and see....could be weeks as I can't afford to go private :0(
Nurofen Plus (or Cuprofen Plus) - ibuprofen plus codeine - get them from a pharmacist (the supermarket versions don't have the codeine).

Hope you can get it sorted soon -I have a stick of rock for you from my hols ...
Lisa, have you got any whiskey, if you have then swill some around in your mouth, this will numb the pain.
I was in the same position a couple of weeks ago - the root was hooked but my dentist just kept tugging and tugging. It was awful and got awfuller and awfuller as time went on.

I was on co-codamol and ice cubes for a couple of days. :-)
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Only vodka Tony....

Awww how sweet of you Dave, should be able to open my mouth by the time I see you.....

And Wolf....fingers in ears...lalalalalalalalalalala can't hear you!

Lisa x
Try the vodka then Lisa, it may work.
Awww Lis!! I feel your pain! :-( I went through a whole root canal treatment only for it to fail and have to get it ripped out anyway! The pain was that bad I was on here at god knows what time trying to get people to convince me that going to casualty was a bad idea!! Lol!

And don't swill anything around your mouth. You could dislodge the blood clot and end up with a dry socket which is worse than the toothache!!!! xxx
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The tooths still there!!!! She couldn't get it numb enough!

I think I'll take Tonys advice and get drunk, that was what you said wasn't it Tony?
Will liven work up
Oi, don't you get blaming me, Lisa lol
i'd get very drunk! sorry you are in so much pain. mr kicker had this and it did settle down after a while x
Ahh right!!! :-( well swilling salt water around your mouth numbs it a wee bit. Emmmm... Have you tried a heat pad or anything? Toothache is the worst pain i've ever experienced!

You should go and watch the Foo's to take your mind off it lol! ;-) xx
Poor you.. had an absess once.. HIDEOUS! on par with childbirth... sod swishing the vodka.. guzzle it.. it might help...!!!
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At the moment the slightest touch on it is agony... it really does feel like an electric shock and now the jabs are wearing off my jaw hurts too.... Major amounts of vodka it is then!
Aww.. bless you Lise.. esp on a Friday night... get that voddie down your neck......!!
Sounds like you need to change your dentist Lisa. Hope you have a bit of relief soon xx
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Oh I don't blame her, just one of those things really. She had already, at my request, today referred me to a clinic where I can have it removed under sedation. Something has obviously touched on the nerve and now it's just to painful to work on while I'm awake.

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