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Severe Sore Throat

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buffymad | 05:41 Thu 18th Oct 2012 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
Hi, what's the best thing to get over the counter for a severe sore throat? I've got flu symptoms but it actually makes me wince every time I swallow coz its that painful. Also kills when I sneeze so it's pretty much all the time! Chemist gave me Tyrozetts which help a bit but once they've dissolved, the pain comes back! Any recommendations for something that might ease the pain?


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You can get maximum strength Strepsils to suck or used to be able to get Chloraseptic spray which has a good anaesthetic - not sure if still available though. Hope you fel better soon.
max strength strepsils and ibruprofen.
keep your throat lubricated with hot lemon and honey drinks too perhaps.
I dont know any secret remedies im afraid but I had an exceptionally sore throat last month, like swallowing razor wire for 3 days, but it relented with the strepsils and pain releif
gargling with soluble aspirin is supposed to help.

I'd go with the max strength strepsils though.
I agree with jd.....but make sure that you take at least 400mgms Ibuprofen every 4 hours.
When I last had a severe sore throat I went to my doctor and got 21 Amoxycillin 500g capsules. Within a few days I felt better and could eat and drink normally.
(I know you asked for over the counter medicine, but if you can see a doctor, I think you will be better off)
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Is ibuprofen better than paracetamol in this case then?
i use chloraseptic (sp) for pain relief! lasts hours!

spray in green bottle!

cath x has greater anti inflammatory powers than paracetamol but the same pain relieving properties.
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Thanks everybody! Know I sound like such a wimp but it does feel like I'm swallowing razor blades!!
Chloraseptic is your answer.
Thank you sqad for pointing out that the dose is 500 mgs. My error.
Gargle with Oraldene - I had a throad virus for 7 weeks in total a couple of months ago - did have course of Amoxycillin which took the edge of it but it came back. Bought some Oraldene, it cleared within a few days.
^^ throat^^
Av u got tonsilitis?!!antibioticd only get flu and fever with it its awful thing to get...
I had tonsilitis a few month back...tried the end got antibiotics from the doc...wish I had gone there first..they did the trick in no time.
By the way...I sympathise with you,it is really awful to have,it was the first time I had ever had it...and NEVER want it again.
Get well soon.x
shine a torch in your mouth...if theres little white spots of pus in your throat then you def need antibiotics!! difflam throat spray is excellent too!!! I recently had bacterial pharyngitis (severe sore throat)! It really really hurts!!
Dont mess about, see your GP or at least ask at your chemist

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