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a cop out?

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AlwaysConfused | 16:54 Mon 12th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Quite often when I'm at work, or just out and about, a parent will shout at their unruly child 'If you don't behave that lady will be cross' and 'behave, or that lady will tell you off', pointing towards me. ME? I have NO intention upon disciplining your child, do it yourself! Don't make me out to be the bad guy, I'm not the one that can't control my kid.

I agree with parents trying to teach their little ones that their behaviour impacts upon others, but Parents should manage their own children and not threaten them with a third party. How would they react if I actually told the child off?

Am I just being miserable?


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"That lady" is not you. It is just someone else, other than the parent, that the child can focus on for a millisecond to take away the responsibility, from the parent (or guardian), of having an unruly child !
20:44 Mon 12th Nov 2012
What work do you do? Just wondering why the parents see you as an authority figure and potential bogeywoman
Fat lug did the trick in my day.
and mine McMouse
They used a policeman in my day!
I like the one that goes-mother to crying child "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about". What's all that about?
Next time it happens go over and bo***** the child and watch the mothers face.
Lol yes, know what you mean!

However in my case, I am more than willing to rollock their unruly children and have done in the past.
Yeah, but you like it though B00. LOL
Yes well, that's just an added bonus Tony ;-)
LOL ^^^^
What is your job?
I have done that but used a policeman! "That police man will come over and arrest you if you dont behave"!!!!!
Dunno what confused's job is, but im a till girl (girl??) at my local Co Op.
jd - I was thinking that she must be a either cop or a traffic warden. Or just looks very scary. Come on, fess up and tell us what you do
B00, do you dance the cancan to your customers? Oh no, that was the Tiller Girls........
never mind what you do, what's that avatar? Somebody popping out of John Hurt's stomach maybe?
As the OP says, it is a cop-out. When I was small it was always: "If you don't behave the policeman will come and lock you up". One day there was a knock at the front door. I must have been about four. When I went with my mother to open the door, there stood a policeman; the biggest guy I had ever seen. I really thought that he had come to lock me up. All I can remember saying, was, "Please Mr. Policeman, don't lock me up - I haven't been naughty for at least a week!
mine jno?

How very dare you! It's Hartley Hare from the fabulous Pipkins!
ah... after my time and before jno jnr's, sorry about that, should've recognised those were ears and not tendrils
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I work in retail, where parents teach their children that it is ok to pick up every toy and then throw it on the floor, and also teach them that it is acceptable to eat food before it's been purchased.
Ah, that makes sense. I've often been in shops where parents have threatened their little sh*ts with telling a member of staff about them. No idea why they do it. But it would annoy me too. So I don't think you're being miserable at all.
I also work in retail, and have often heard that "this lady" (me) will shout. Once I actually said to one woman, " no, I won't. They're YOU'RE children - YOU shout at them!" and she gave me a right nasty look, which of course I ignored!

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