If you were in the jungle what would you hate most I would hate anything to do with rats the food looks repulsive but it isn't poisonous i would hate to have to clean the dunny but I suppose when thousand of pounds are at stake anything is possible still would hate rats.
I don't watch it but I seen stuff in the paper where people are being covered in bugs, I couldn't do that. And I wouldn't want to poo behind a tree or whatever.
I couldn't do it at all. I like my home comforts too much, I couldn't eat any animal's toe, anus or eyelid and I prefer NOT to be covered in creepy crawlies. I wouldn't mind spending my time in the hotel the celebs get put up in once they are booted off though!
I would love to have a go in there ! It looks great, I would be cooing at all the animals though lol ! Rats are so cute, and then the alligators and crabs etc..the only thing that I would struggle with would be the eating contest.
24 hours of millions of people watching me scratch my nuts, singing loudly at every opportunity, talking about girls constantly and snoring ( mrs bear calls it 'sneering' as its not too loud - just heavy breathed)... when I sleep on my back doesnt quite do it for me. :0)
Besides I'd be so rampant after....oooo at least a couple of days , I'd probably attempt to mount a sheep ...baaaaaaaaaaaaahh