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flump1 | 00:16 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Botched bodies...anybody see this ? A designer vagina ???


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Well that op is mentioned in the Godfather book so nothing new there.
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I must have lived a very sheltered life woofgang ! The one on now is horrendous.
One of my daughters had to have a vaginal repair, it definitely isn't a new or unusual operation.

In fact it has been used for post natal complications, violent rape victims, cancer sufferers etc. for several decades.
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Hi daffy, I am sure there is a call for this kind of surgery, the lady on tv had always wanted a 'nice' vagina. Bless her !
the whole programme, well as much as I could stomach made me feel ill, why someone would want to have their vagina put on national television beats me !
sounds vile, and no i wouldn't watch. Was channel hopping the other evening, and came across Embarrassing bodies, i think? a woman so fat that she was in a wheelchair, and her body was a mass of lumps and bumps, put me off eating...
i wouldn't let anyone near my fanny to do that.....ouch! x
Yep I watched it - gross!
"A designer vagina"

Has a nice ring to it....

ooooo is that what they put in (on?) it??
Lol, B00
You can go to Thailand for one of those...

and also one can get a female to male bit of construction too.....
Dunno why i clicked your link DT, was a bit of a relief when the page couldn't be found, I can tell ya!
My mates wife wanted a kitten, no way he said you can have a new pussy, but no kittens.
works this end, so to speak, B00!
oh, tis working now, again, so to speak!

Corr, bit pricy innit?
We have a barrister in our local who has just been out there for the op, Robin to Robina......

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