I've had a severe toothache since yesterday evening (so 24 hours). I went to the dentist today, who prescribed Amoxicillin 500g, but does anybody know roughly how long it will take to kick in? Also, what's the best pain relief I can take before the Amox work? Paracetamol is having no effect at all..... Thanks
Oil of cloves works wonders, any type of clove really. Put on tooth and pain should go pretty quickly if not immediately. If you haven't got any I don't know what else to suggest. Hope you feel better soon brainiac.
have you got ibuprofen in the house, you can alternate doses of that and paracetamol. Take the ibuprofen 2 hours after the paracetamol then take them at the recommended intervals. Don't exceed the stated dose of either and make sure that you don't take the ibuprofen on an empty stomach.
Ipuprofen for the pain and inflammation. I would think it would take at least 24 hours before you will notice any effect from the Amoxillin (it has already kicked in, you just can`t feel it).
I had a root abscess - it sounds like you do too - I was prescribed the same thing and the dentist told me the amoxycillin would take about 10 hours to take effect, and he was right. In the meantime, I'd recommend any painkiller that contains dihydrocodeine and ibuprofen.
going to the dentist is the Brainiac thing to do well done
Paacetamol regularly every four hours - if you are a standard size then one gram (two adult tabs) every four hours regularly. If you are getting no sleep, then it will be no problem
In between take ibuprofen: The maximum amount of ibuprofen for adults is 800 milligrams per dose or 3200 mg per day (4 maximum doses).
Your amoxil should be kicking in and I hope you have a better night than last night
Take the meds regularly as it is easy to keep on top of the pain than catch up with break thro pain