As above, I haven't got/had a cold, my ear doesn't hurt but I can't hear a flipping thing through one of my ears. It's not the end of the world, but my hearing is usually really good and I am having to concentrate so much to hear what I normally would that it is giving me a headache. Don't really want to bother the doctor (not ginormously keen on going to the doctors), anyone got any ideas? Thanks.
If there is no pain or redness in your ear try a sinus flush ( I know, banging on again) sterimar spray will flush out the sinusses. If that fails then earwax drops.
Does your practice have a triage nurse who could examine you for ear wax? It is no big deal, sherr, if you have ear wax she would just recommend the application of some oil to soften it before syringing it in a few days time.
Hello everyone, it's not glue-ear, the kids get that and it hurts. May have to ring the quacks and see the nurse then, it's doing my head in only hearing in one ear. I sleep on the good ear and nearly missed the alarm this morning.
put warmed olive oil drops in your affected ear for 2-3 days then make an appointment to have your ear syringed. It dosen't hurt, although it's a weird sensation!
Right, have put some olive oil in my ear (cold, couldn't work out how to warm such a small amount - already had the dropper thing from putting oil in one of the little Sherrard's ears, amazed I found it).
I used to keep a small bottle of almond oil for this purpose, sherr, and could warm it easily in a small cup of warm water. Apply a little of the warmed oil to a small piece of cotton wool and gently plug your ear with it. Still think you should ask your practice nurse to have a look in your ears to determine if impacted wax is causing the deafness.
God, is there special ear olive oil? I've got a bottle of the normal stuff (it's not a huge bottle - the quack told me to get it for one of the kids' ears, didn't tell me I needed special stuff, actually used it at tea time tonight as part of the food!).
My mother used to go deaf like that sherr, it was a build-up of wax. She would go to the docs every now and then to get it syringed and right as rain afterwards. Quite easy and doesn't hurt apparently - fortunately for me I did not inherit the problem.
Believe me sherrard when you whole head feels like a drum from sinusitis, you will do anything. It's actually easy once you get over the yuck and very soothing I'd you have sore sinuses with a cold
I went deaf overnight a year or so ago, more so in one ear. Had strange sensation of something pressing on ear. Saw consultant, told I had excess fluid in ears and needed gromits fitted. I chickened out, still suffering, but too much of a coward at the moment.
Almost certainly...wax which needs syringing.
However sudden deafness on one ear needs a doctor's opinion.
The post of methyl above is a bit OTT but correct.
See your GP today.