Sadly, at least here in the U.S, no hearing aids are manufactured in-country. All are imported and the best ones seem to be made in Switzerland. After taking an older friend to the heraing specialists, which resulted in a hearing test and recommendation for a Phonak brand, said friend is very happy with the device.
It is a BTE (behind the ear) model, but is practically invisible, since it's so small. A clear plastic tube runs from the device to the transmitter, which is in the ear. He reports little if any of the feed back other, less expensive models report and the device is easily re-programmed by computer (from the Dr.'s office) to accomodate changes in hearing.
The friend reported considerable tinitus prior to using the aid but none at all while wearing it. He says he still experiences it at night with the instrument removed. Cost was about $2,000 total, of which $1,000 was paid by insurance and more by our Medicaid, leaving about $300 out-of-pocket...