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This Will Be Theatre Time......

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excelsior-1 | 16:01 Wed 22nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
41 Answers

.....that i start a thread about my late grandmother

good afternoon folks - i have just driven back home from the funeral in coventry, and i simply want to extend a great big 'thank you' to those of you who took the time and effort to respond to my posts in the last two weeks and offer your best wishes

as i live alone - there is nobody to talk to, and i have taken great comfort from your responses. they have been very supportive, and have certainly made things easier for me

once again - thank you very much


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I did wonder where the theatre came in....!!
16:02 Wed 22nd May 2013
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(theatre time?)

tbe last time!
It is nice you have found comfort and support excelsior.
I hope everything went well x
I did wonder where the theatre came in....!!
Good to see you back home sound and safe. Hope everything worked out well.
Excel, we're here to listen, we have broad shoulders and offer great big hugs.
If you want to shout or rant at the world, we're here to understand that too.

Was thinking about you today xxxxx
I never knew the lady, but I'd like to think she's either sitting chortling quietly or having a right old guffaw :-D
I don't come on here much, so have missed your previous threads, excelsior-1, but please accept my condolences.
I am glad the day is over, talking to people is always a help. It seems to be what people do best here. Take care of yourself and remember there is always someone here to listen.
Hope the funeral went as well as can be expected Excel, and she got the sending off she obviously deserved.

Take care of yourself, and have a drink in her memory tonight x
Good afternoon excelsior, hope you are feeling as well as can be expected, it's never easy, but you do know that everybody is here for you, my thoughts are with you.
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thank you, people

Sammy48, your response is much appreciated
Excelsior, I am pleased the day is now yours to relive memories and relax. You are mong friends here and while some people may say they are only pixels, some are mighty lovely ones x
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you may certainly consider yourself among the lovely ones flump, thank you
Now time to get yourself back together Excel....nice memories to think about but be kind to yourself too....x

Hope it all went well,
just remember there's a lot of us out here if you want a chat!
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i will be fine gness, thank you
i did my weeping along with the others at the funeral

just before i go to bed tonight, i shall replace this 'cross' avatar with one of my usual ones

baldric, thank you - but as i more threads, you all must be fed up with hearing about my family
You're very welcome Excelsior-1. I am lucky enouh to have both my grandmothers still with us, but my mother's mother was a twin and we lost her 10 years ago. She was widowed quite young and went to live with her twin sister and husband, my mother's parents soon after that. It wa such a treat having 'two' for one - she had a wise word or two but nothing used to cure the blues like a cuddle from her. There isn't a day go by without me thinking of her, the big hurt has gone now, just a pang now and again thinking 'I wish she could see this'. All the best, XXX
Just wanted to send you hugs, excel.

I'm glad you got through the day, excel, now take it easy and rest. I hope your pain eases as time passes xx
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very thoughtful ladies, thank you

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