What Is Causing My Tiredness ? in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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What Is Causing My Tiredness ?

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tamaris | 18:45 Wed 29th May 2013 | Health & Fitness
85 Answers
Taking tabs as doctor said I was low on iron, but my tiredness is extreme at the moment, everything is an effort. Nothing showed up on tests at the doctors. I sleep soundly at night for about 7-8 hours and have a sleep in the afternoon as well, but I am tired all the time
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Low vitamin D?
18:46 Wed 29th May 2013
Low vitamin D?
what test have you had done
Carbon Monoxide poisoning? - though if you are low on Fe, you may be low on Vit D too.....
Did they test your thyroid function ?
ask to see a specialise ,its your right to ask for this if your worried about it
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Yes they did a thyroid test
The weather perhaps?
Could be that you're borderline on the thyroid .
How old are you tamaris?
Well.....if all the tests were negative (Thyroid tests included?) and your iron was low ( you don't say why), my guess is that it is your anaemia causing your tiredness.

Lots of ifs and buts surrounding my answer.
did they check your lymph glands
When I was coming up to the menopause, I was exhausted all the time (the reason for my asking your age)
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I am early 60's. I like to walk every day. Doc asked if I was a veggie, I said no not really I don't eat a lot red meat though as I prefer chicken and fish, I eat a good diet , fruit and plenty veg.
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Lymph glands ,,,no
i never eat red meat an i'm fit..
please ask doc to check your lymph glands
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Thumper 93 will do
Have you got any other symptoms apart from the tiredness tamaris ?
Dry skin ,joint pain ,brittle nails etc .Do you feel the cold ?
shaney....she said the thyroid tests were normal.

thumper.....any particular lymph node you had in mind?
Just trying to help Sqad . You can have borderline thyroid function where no treatment is advised .
I'll bow out as you know best .
A busy mind could make you tired too. So try worrying or stressing less, if you do.

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