Speaking as a man with no actual experience of using these products, but some knowledge of what skin is and how it works, I would venture the opinion that all these creams are a waste of money! Skin becomes more slack with age, its a fact, just like hair goes grey, by applying a cream all you will do, at best is fill out a few tiny wrinkles in the epidermis when the cream is absorbed, a bit like putting a bit more air in a slightly soft inner tube. However, the cream will soon be absorbed by the deeper tissues of the dermis, and when that happens the wrinkles will just return. I see all the ads for these amazing sounding 'scientifiky' products on TV, and it makes me smile, but it is also a bit cynical of the manufacturers to prey on the insecurities and vanity of people. I saw a report on TV a few years ago that tested a load of wrinkle removing and firming products against simple Nivea moisterising cream, the Nivea was at least as good as all of them, and for a fraction of the cost.