yah - I was that man -didja notice the dog ?
I shuffle around on a stick - surprisingly bad today - and when I give the thumbs up, the dog's neck is jerked upwards
but he''s used to it
and if I use the other arm (the one with the stick) then I'll fall over.
the dentist - did he take all your teeth out ? - with pliers ?
Tell you what - if I dont give the thumbs up, [dog's head jerked up, but hell it is only a dog ] I worry about them running over me, half way across
Also rude old people -as I was shuffling along someone almost walked into me. Eighty year old woman - you know look as tho they havent eaten for twenty years, no brain and can move really fast like 20 mph.
I very nearly said: look I'm the one with the stick, I think the idea is that you miss me - geddit ?
I did have the stick if she turned nasty.