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womans problems

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miss s | 08:42 Wed 27th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

why have i not taken a period for over 3 months ?

i have had a pregnancy test of doctor that has shown negative.

i have not taken my pill for 2 weeks &have still not had a period



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Go to the doctor asap - there's loads of different reasons why periods don't arrive, not always pregnancy but you should check it out. Being underweigth can cause them to stop, as can stress, and the pregnancy test could be wrong. Get yourself down the docs and they'll tell you once for all, and put your mind at rest...good luck.

Remember the 'period' you have when you're on the pill is not a true period but a withdrawal bleed, so it could be a problem with your pills.  If you've now stopped taking them your body will take a while to adjust before your normal cycle returns, so your period may arrive at any time.  Becks is of course right that a trip to the doctor is the best thing to do - but be reassured that pregnancy tests are very rarely wrong if you've carried it out correctly.  My GP told me that she never really bothers to repeat tests as home ones are so accurate.

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