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I Inhaled A Crisp

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mandimoo | 08:26 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
.... A few days ago. I have not stopped coughing since. My chest feels irritated still, all tickly, right between the boobs but inside! Do you think I have crisp stuck? Should I see gp or will it dissolve? Driving me insane!


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If there has been no change in your voice and your swallowing isn't affected and you feel well in yourself, then i would give it another couple of days to see which way the "cookie will crumble." If it is stuck in the upper big deal. If you have inhaled it and it is in the lung, then the salt in the crisp will cause a local reaction which will settle....
08:30 Mon 14th Oct 2013
My wife inhaled an alfalfa sprout. She burst a blood vessel in her eye from coughing before it came out.

My son inhaled a piece of grated carrot right into his lungs. The doctors were contemplating an operation when it came out, much to our relief.
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Thanks for all the horror stories! Happy to report I am much, .much better now x
Thanks for the time, inhale cheese and onion NON salted.
...and next time Mandimoo don't go mooing and inhaling at the same time. It will never work. Glad to know you are alright.

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