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Best Cream For Acne ?

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beezaneez | 15:03 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
advice please. its for a friend, she has bad acne, oily skin, i,ll take her to doctors also.



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I've been using La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo. It's been brilliant. I'd recommend anything from the Effaclar range is definitely worth a try.
Never had acne - a pimple here and there.
beez - I find Sudocrem fantastic. Dab on at night. It's really very good!
OTC...probably a 10% benzoyl peroxide preparation (ask pharmacist).
However, for bad acne, a GP will have better things on prescription.
It's difficult to recommend a cream because what works for one person won't for another. I've lost count of the times I've read rave reviews about products and then bought the product and it's done absolutely nothing for me (other than waste my money!). Finding a cure for acne can be a journey of just trying different things, products, diet etc. Sometimes it could be a combination of things. Acne is a devastating condition - your friend has my sympathy.

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