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Aargh, Nails On Chalk Board Etc....

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EcclesCake | 19:44 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
I really, really, really hate tearing cotton wool.

I am smothered with goosebumps and cannot shift that hideous feeling!

What smell, texture,sound etc gives you the heeby-geeby's?


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polystyrene - it's squeaky - yuk!

I hate washing up anything that has had flour in it. I hate those horrible doughy lumps that pervades the water and getting the sloppy bits out of the plug hole makes me heave. Consequently, I don't do much baking.
The feel of talcum powder on my hands. It's banned in our house. Yuk.
Terracotta and Slate make my skin crawl
Wood. When I see people taste food from a wooden spoon it makes me feel sick.
Sound of the dentist's drill as you walk through the door!
Washing out the raw Christmas turkey before cooking, I keep my eyes closed!
The smell of cats mess in my flower beds.
The smell of rotting birdseed under the bird feeders.
The smell and taste of salted peanuts or peanut butter.
The feel of bri-nylon sheets catching in your fingernails (can you still buy these?LOL)
A snagged or broken fingernail
I remember my Mum cooking white tripe for the dog in my childhood - I couldn't bear the look, smell or texture of that awful stuff!
snap ummmm. lolly sticks is my worse fear, really and truly.
i cannot look at anyone who is sucking an ice lolly with a wooden stick.
i have not and will not ever have a wooden rolling pin in my house either.
if i see anyone licking on a nearly eaten lolly, i turn away and my tongue goes really funny. Horrible sensation. lol. Hate to look at the almost clean looking stick.
Hubby chopping stuff on a granite chopping board.
me too sipowicz just the smell of whisky takes me back to my teens and I am back with my tights round my ankles and head in the toilet bowl being sick.
Dentist drill noise has me running out the surgery door, have now found a dentist with an upstairs surgery and waiting room downstairs.
Being sent to any hospital appt, I don't mind going with other people but not for myself I come out in cold sweats of fear.
The sound of an apple being peeled. OMG, It makes me shiver just typing this.
Children grabbing balloons and really squeezing to them not realizing them things explode.

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