I have been ill for almost 2wks....no point in going to Dr yet. Haven't left house.
I am sleeping for the world, I am vomming for the world, every part of me hurts, I have a bruise on my hand from banging it off the wall with the pain the other part of vomming brings..not going for the TMI here !
I have only ever had the flu once before. I now recall I thought I was on the way out...
I wonder how elderly/infirm people cope....it must be scary for them :(
Bless anyone who is also sufferring (if it helps) x
I agree with Canary time to seek medical help, after two weeks even with 'flu you should be starting to feel better. Please phone NHS 24 or call your doctor
I'm not alone and my family and close friends are monitoring me but i'm sitting alone atm and i'm all over the place cos its too late to bother anyone. You have all been exceptional, thank you, so much xx..off to you tube..just to see if I can take mind off it xx
I sympathise with your reluctance to seek medical attention, I suffer from similar cowardice myself. But you sound to be in a dreadful state, and it's probably something easily remedied. Can't one of your friends/family go along with you to support you.
Could it be the ibuprofen that is making you sick ?
Can you try a different painkiller instead and see if the vomiting stops ?
Agree with the others that if you are so ill that you are in bed for more than a week , and showing no signs of improvement, then you really should be seen by a doctor.
Hello to the peeps who helped me last night.NHS24 were no use,I took phone off so they wouldn't call me but i'm guessing they have been in touch with my GP as when I phoned the surgery earlier I was offered a home visit and not an appt, either that or I sounded very rough :O
You were all gems, sometimes we don't appreciate how helpful it is to have a listening ear in the early hours, when you're rock bottom..
Please let us know how you get on. It could be something quite simple and then you will wonder why you didn't go to GP sooner. I am glad you took the plunge and that the GP will do a home visit. Whatever the problem is, getting the right treatment is the best thing for you.