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Purple_Popple | 01:04 Sun 22nd Dec 2013 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
Why do men only want hook with no strings...does no one want a relationship anymore ? Im baffled...


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Personally I wouldn't want a woman that made sex so easily available, if I wanted a slapper I would look for slapper but that really would not be my cup of tea. I like a woman with a little self respect. I certainly wouldn't expect sex for the first few dates.
08:53 Sun 22nd Dec 2013
Could be that you are meeting guys that are just out of a long term relationship and aren't wanting anything serious. Keep the faith and keep looking.
Or carry on socialising but stop looking and you might start spotting the nice ones.
What is SJ?
Sorry I thought it was a dating site !!
What else is there initially?
There is no courting process any longer and hasn't been for a decades, a process where one gets to know if a relationship is feasible.
What do you want your gentleman to do.....hang around whilst you get to know each other?
Some may, but the majority will need some sex, on account.

This post of mine is a waste of time, I realise, as AB women have never exepted my opinion (which doesn't bother me) and never will.
Youve left it late for traditional courtship. Time is the essence in your age group, hence the wham bam.... Men need physicals more than women but after they want feeding. Bait their needs & they soon fall into a habit and hooked - basically theyre too lazy to move once comfortable ;)
tambo...good post.

\\\Bait their needs & they soon fall into a habit and hooked -\\\

and don't forget that "fresh" and different tasting bait is readily available.
Personally I wouldn't want a woman that made sex so easily available, if I wanted a slapper I would look for slapper but that really would not be my cup of tea. I like a woman with a little self respect. I certainly wouldn't expect sex for the first few dates.
Sod them all, hang on to your dignity!
Ratter see you at 7pm under the station clock....I'll be wearing a carnation and carrying the Mail on Sunday !!
Its a date minty, shall I bring my own whip and handcuffs or shall we use yours?
^.......and a bottle of Buckfast
so why don't you cut them off sharp at the wanting dirty talk and sexting stage?

I am also slightly puzzled (don't mean to be offensive) at the "want a relationship" thing. I get being open to making friends, even going places where you will find people with the same interests as yourself, but it does seem to be a bit arsy facey to be looking for a "relationship" first?
I'll bring the sparkly gear...Lol... bee...buckie ? Buckie ? Noooo... Dom perignon if yooo pleeeze....
Beejay, I took the Buckfast for granted, may need more than one bottle though.
 Dom perignon, isn't that aftershave?
Ratter- more than one bottle!!!!--
for you to pluck up the courage?
is minty as bad as all that ? :-)

{red card due for me, methinks}
RATTER...if you define "slapper" as a woman who has sex in the first few dates, then the world is full of slappers, depending of course what you mean by sex.

I bet you mean INTERCOURSE..............don't you?

Well, I don't....I define it as some perhaps petting or very heavy petting.....moist passionate kissing, some buttons undone and some .."caressing".
Sqad !! Too too early !!

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