Not sure what is going on here, but no matter what I drink this morning I am still dehydrated! My usual choice tea, which I love is having no effect, nor is water. One I have glass, I need another.
Not due to hangover ( teetotal ) and I have had any change in my meds. Any ideas why I can't rehydrate ? !
Exactly, jno - the latest news from the GMC suggests at least an 8-day wait!
I know it's not what you like to hear, sqad, but Walk-In Centres here are usually staffed by highly experienced Nurse Practitioners, who are qualified to prescribe across the formulary (sometimes with an on-call GP). The Centres are however relatively few and far between. We are lucky to have a local Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) which doubles up.
sounds like diabetes. Drinking gallons of fluid and peeing it away at the same rate is a classic sympton. If it takes a fortnight to make an appointment ask for an emergency one with your practice nurse who can do a test. So can many pharmacies.