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Pet Hates

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Snappy | 20:56 Thu 18th Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
What are your pet hates? I have a LOT, too many to name here but here's a few:
People who ought to but dont remember my name or birthday.
People who don't indicate at roundabouts!
People who swear all the time.
People who bid on ebay long before the item is due to finish!
Shop assisstants who have their own conversations while serving you.
Too many adverts between programmes!
Bad spellers!
There are loads more but i dont want you to think im a grouch!
Im not by the way!
Do any of you agree with these? What are yours?


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People (usually young mums with prams) who make NO effort whatsoever to make eye contact, let alone say thanks, when I go out of my way to hold open a door for them. I always say "THANKYOU!" loudly at them when this happens, and even then they never get the hint!!!!

Old people who treat it as their right to be rude to shop assistants.

People who do not wash their hands after going to the toilet.

Northeners ! (lol)

Flippin eck, you've got loads. Your question bedazzled me so much that I can't think of anything which would wind me up more! Good choices though Snappy.

Snappy a big yes to most; especially that ebay thing, it drives me nuts, people putting up the price with no need to.

Does bad spelling include the misuse of apostrophe's (like that one?) How annoying is that?  Also the mispronunciation of the letter 'H' as 'haitch' - I cannot stand it.

Also people who say 'pecifically' instead of 'specifically'.

People who stop in their car to read maps ANYWHERE.  Move  off onto a sideroad ffs.

Snappy you got me started now........people who use their cutlery like they were a pair of pencils. 

People who allow their kids to be filled with junk food. 

I gotta stop this!

My hubby biting his nails ewwww goes right through me,theres couple sayings too like people who say-at the end of the day,and gobsmacked hate that saying

And theres more swearing at or around children.This morning one of my neighbours arrived back from shopping,you should have heard her filthy mouth at full blast! Her language would have made bernard manning blush! It was directed to her young child,then when the child comes out with it she will shout at it.Some people  make my blood boil !!

People who don't reply to e-mails

People who take forever counting pennys in the supermarket queue

Rubbish roads when road tax is so expensive

BRITISH RAIL - needs no explination

English weather

waiting for other people!!!

  • I agree with all of yours snappy, also.....
  • people who have no taste whatsoever and have double glazing crap windows (mmm tasty) even better the ones with fake leading! *drools*....
    for gods sake people, ITS HIDEOUS!!
  • dog poo in the middle of the pavement
  • charves, need I say more?
  • uneducated idiots
  • snobs
  • common people who think they're better than you
  • people who eat each other in full view of others (especially those outside mcdonalds on northumberland st in newcastle)
  • people who wear clothes that are too small
  • the word hubby
  • the word diabetic used in the following context "this is funkychicken, shes a diabetic" grrrr grrrr grrrr! so much better would be "this is funkychicken, shes diabetic"
  • my apparent lack of skills to use the english language lol

I'll be back with more!

  • ever increasing bus fares and metro fares =(

All of the above Snappy......and Scarlett - very much with you on the door holding thing. In Aberdeen it's a bit of a non-starter to expect a thank you, but I still scream "You're welcome" down the street after the miserable gits to make my point....!

Spelling is a bugbear of mine too- maybe it's because my mum is a teacher, but poor spelling melts my head!

people answering their mobile phone and immediately whispering "can i phone you back?"  If they are not free to talk then they shouldn't answer their phone.  By not answering their phone, it at least gives the caller a chance to leave a voice message.  Grrr!!


Also - packaging that refuses to open.  It seems to be getting worse - one of those red, plastic string bags of oranges can be a real challange, but anything vacuum packed is worse!!  :0(

TAILGATERS ,if you want to go past me well blo ody overtake
list makers............only kiddin

Love Tailgaters - just put on your lights and watch their heads almost going through the windscreen as they think you have braked!

I E-Bay in advance as I cant be here all the time - sorry.

Biggest issue are drunks who have an issue with you - when they have the wrong person -and you react - DOH!!!

And finally drunk women who think they are Gods gift and come onto your man in front of your face - and he is thrilled that even a dog could fancy him-GRRRRR!!!                

  • Drivers who don't indicate, dither, or decide they are on a sighseeing tour and you can see their heads moving left to right rather than looking straight ahead like they are supposed to.
  • People who find it near on impossible to walk in a straight line, so when you try to over take they end up walking into you and have the cheek to tut at you, like it's your fault!
  • Spitting on the floor... just disgusting!! Just no need for it.
  • KFC adverts.. hate 'em...
  • That'll do for now... LOL!! :-)

Brotish people that moan about the tiniest little things :OP

By the way I am British myself, it just annoys me how we can moan so much about so little. We should all just smile :O) It's FRIIIIIIIIDAY!

British people that moan about the tiniest things :OP

By the way I am British myself it just annoys me how we can moan so much about so little. We should all just smile :O) It's FRIIIIIIIIIDAY!

I seem to have quite a few...! I think there�s a grumpy old person in me dying to get out...

1. Spitting � its disgusting!
2. People who drop litter � do they want to live in a giant dust bin?! I always say sarcastically �don�t worry, someone else will pick it up� (unless they are bigger than me or look a bit scary!)
3. People who refer to their partners as �the other half� � what, so your not good enough to be a whole yourself?!
4. People who respond to your offer of a cuppa with �white with� � with what? Sugar? Sweetener? Camel wee? Then you have to waste more breath on asking how much of the �with� they would like!
5. People who spell my name wrong. Especially my team mate at work who really should know by now. Argh!
6. People who butt into a conversation when you�re mid way through a sentence
7. The fact that sugar seems to be present in practically every item of convenience food. As a hypoglycaemic this really annoys me! We want late night snacks too y�know! I wanted to buy some fish sticks and some vegetable soup the other day but nooooooo they had sugar in. WHY THE HELL DO FISH STICKS NEED SUGAR? IT�S FISH!!!!

ahhhh... and I'm done.

People who interrupt when you're speaking!! I hate that!

My boss bugging me about work stuff in my lunch hour while I have a mouth full of food!

Car alarms that go off in the middle of the night or day!

the word "random"

people who talk fast without ever catching a breath

people who drive slowly when they are lost and change direction really suddenly without indicating on roundabouts, ba*tards.



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