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How To Get Depressed

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xxcloudshadowxx | 11:27 Fri 04th Jul 2014 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
I dont know how to say this and maybe youre all gonna think im insane. But I want to be depressed. Does somebody know how to?


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So you have come from under the dark cloud and now the light hurts - you need to take time to adjust and find things in life that please you and occupy you, maybe even helping others who have been where you were. It won't come overnight but well done on coming through.
11:42 Fri 04th Jul 2014
I can assure you that you do not want to be depressed. Depression is a horrific illness that can ruin your life.
I don't think you are insane, but is there a reason ?

Are you tired of being the coper or the joker? If so you may be there already - what has brought you to think this way?
OK.....I'll bite.
Why do you want to be depressed?
is this going to turn out to be a joke as poster is only/joined 3 minutes. JJCon - who in the world wants to be depressed.
You certainly don't want to be depressed. It's a very debilitating illness.
Be careful what you wish for.....
When you say you want to be depressed, do you mean you want to have clinical depression, or do you just want to feel down about something? The two are very different. I don't think it's possible to "get" clinically depressed just because you want to, let alone totally undesirable.
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I was depressed for a long time and its over now but it doesn't feels right. Like im more comfortable being depressed
So you have come from under the dark cloud and now the light hurts - you need to take time to adjust and find things in life that please you and occupy you, maybe even helping others who have been where you were.

It won't come overnight but well done on coming through.
Are you serious!!
Whats wrong with you? Why you want to get depressed? People try to come out of it to live and enjoy their life and you are the one who wants to get into it!!!
I think mamya is right- or you're not completely better yet. Tell your doctor exactly how you're feeling now, but it does take time to adjust. Good luck x
You could contemplate the England performance in the recent footie contest.
Or Andy Murry's recent game.
swap places with me
You OK mally?
mamya is right, IMO - I've been there too, and it's scary coming out of it. You don't want to get in that place again, believe me. Life is for living - don't go back.
live with mrs c easy!!
I don't we should joke on this thread, assume that cloud is asking a serious question. Coming out of depression is scary, you feel very exposed to the world. I know I'm not the only ABer who's been there. It's horrible until you get the hang of it.
You say you were depressed before and you want to be again!!! As a long time sufferer of this illness, my guess is that you have never been truly depressed. If you had, you would never want to revisit that particular black hole, for any reason whatsoever. I suggest you make the most of your 'freedom' from this illness and get on with enjoying the rest of your life. That option is not yet open for some of us.
I would give anything not to be on antidepressents. Have tried cutting them down but always have to go back up again. Sorry if you have really thought you had been depressed before but you really didnt .!!!

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