Hi Carlie, I'm sorry to hear that you're still not feeling better, but you've been through a lot, so it will take time! I hope you've spoken to you're GP again by now, as they are probably in the best position to be able to help you right now.
My daughter is 16 months and I've been through a similar stage with her, where I would wake up feeling good and then after half an hour with her, I wanted to go back to bed because I felt so fed up - It's not her fault though, she was bored, and the worse I felt the more she seemed to act up. She used to be horrible to me for days and days on end, she'd do nothing but whinge, and I felt like a failure, then one day I had to go and visit my grandmother, my daughter was a nightmare that morning, it took me hours to get us both ready to leave the house, then as soon as we got there she was an angel - the point to my story? a change of scenery works wonders!
I know its really hard, but if you can force yourself to go out somewhere every day, it really will be worth it, park, shops, playgroup etc. On our laziest days we just walk around the block - my little one could walk at 10 months, so we used to just walk to the end of the street and back (very slowly), but it made me feel like we'd done something, and it broke the day up for her too.
Do you have anyone who helps out so that you can have a bit of time to yourself? Or just someone to talk to? There is help out there please go back to your GP or HV.
Take care k8.x