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Yes, not getting worse is definitely good :)
I was on Questran originally but not take tablets as so much less of a faff than carting the sachets around and sticking them in drinks and such.
On 6 a day at the moment but it's up and down, just how it is according to gastro but definitely does help a lot compared to before.
Might have been my last infusion, half dose isn't doing much which is such a shame as I really was seeing an improvement on the full doses. Better than nothing though definitely! They are trying to get injections so a smaller weekly dose to see if that helps, otherwise going to review after next bloods instead of infusion when next due. So will see what bloods say then, ALT had gone up slightly from last time but not by much so hoping it drops, at least a little bit. Fingers crossed!
Saw physio who said I am likely dehydrated as I'm going into spasms/cramps way to easily, he suggested tonic water (yuck but it if helps I'll try it!). Have been drinking lots of Lucozade Sport to try to get better hydrated but cutting down due to all the sugar.