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Germolene Ointment

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nice sax | 06:13 Fri 26th Sep 2014 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
I have used Germolene ointment for over 50 years to good effect but have noticed that it now seems to be unavailable.

Can anyone advise me whether they know of a supplier who is still able to supply this product so that I can obtain some stock before it disappears altogether.

Any help would be appreciated



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No best answer has yet been selected by nice sax. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.

For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. means a method of administration applied externally e.g via the skin ....transdermal.
Thank you, though I can't see where else you would apply a cream or an ointment.
Obiter, you obviously have never had piles then... ;-)
Or oral thrush. (Daktarin) antiseptic cream&ta=1&typeAhead=true&langId=-1&catalogId=11051#container
2sp....not true.......Anusol Cream even though smeared "internally" is described as "Topically " applied. topically applied for the mouth........but not for the vagina which is an internal organ.
Ahh, Sqaddie, you also get stuff to "insert" for internal piles... Lovely and cooling it is too.
Hadn't thought of that. I suppose it wouldn't count as skin. Incidentally, why are the French so fond of suppositories rather than oral medication? (No jokes, please)
Wait a sec, I get what you mean now. Even though some stuff goes "inside", it's technically counted as external.
What about the cream you have to apply internally for vaginal thrush? I don't mean the stuff that is just applied to the labia.

Obiter......another very good question.

Particularly in children the Continental doctors use suppositories as the absorption is quicker and more reliable.........children may "spit out" antibiotics when taken by mouth. In my opinion, for children, the rectal method is better but has never taken on in the UK.
I've had rectal painkillers in the past, they work very well even if they aren't pleasant to use.
I think you could extend the definition of 'Topical' to mean 'Applied' -- rather than ingested as in 'Oral' Medicines.
Daffy....what about it?
I was wondering if that was also topical sqad? my post of 1644 above.

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