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Meter Reading.

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kat-kin | 17:09 Wed 07th Jan 2015 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
I've been diagnosed as borderline diabetic. I took a reading today after 7 hours sleep and the reading was 7.5. Is this too high? tia.


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Did the Doctor or Nurse not give you levels to look for when you were diagnosed and got your meter?
Not relevant I know, but as soon as I opened this thread an ad popped up saying 'need you gas our electricity meter moving'! Just under the submit button - how odd.
There's no universal agreement about exactly what blood sugar levels are 'normal' but 7.5 (some time after last eating or drinking) is possibly 'a little on the high side' but not a great cause for any immediate concern. (My own blood sugar levels go all over the place. I've scored 9.0 when it should, by all reasonable expectations, have been low and 2.1 when 'normality' would have suggested that it should have been quite a bit higher):
No...that's not too bad...........go back to sleep.

P.S the reading is always high first thing in the morning after a sleep.....all to do with other hormones.....I gather.
My BP is only normal when I'm asleep - maybe I should hibernate. do you take your BP when you are asleep?....
One o those automatic monitors I had to wear for 24 hours.
LOL...I should have guessed.
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Mamyalynn, I bought my own kit so I could test Buenichero,thanks for the link and Sqad,thanks for your input. I feel a bit calmer now. Kat.
I have type 2. Nothing really to add here but I want to say something so I can come back later when on a computer to access links on a PC rather than a tablet.

That said, I am suffering from occasional blurred vision which I understand can be caused by fluctuating sugar levels, so monitored mine 8 times a day for 2 weeks. Lowest ever was 3.1 and highest 18. Currently on meds but also trying diabetic supefoods like almonds and blueberries to see if they make a difference.
\\\Currently on meds\\\

What meds and when do you take them?

Your diabetes is uncontrolled.....see your GP.
It might depend on your age. We're advised to keep (elderly) diabetic people's blood sugar between 7 and 10, as a drop is more dangerous than a rise.
Kat-kin,understood,just wondered as you mentioned'diagnosed' whether any guidance had been given to you.

Just keep following whatever advice was given and good luck with it.
The wifelet has a problem with hers since major gastric surgery... it can drop as low as 2.0 the level brain function is impaired, so wherever you see her theres always a wee box of hobnobs handy for a cuppa.. Apparently it's called reactive diabetes, caught her on the hop and something that wasn't know to her vampire, bloods man before he saw her.. ya just never know
Slapshot......also known as "post gastrectomy syndrome" due to food being "rushed" into the small intestine.

Was very common in the days of partial gastrectomy for stomach ulcers, but now, ulcers are mainly treated conservatively.
Thanks Sqad, that helps... research time!!

She's had a lot of problems but basically she had to have a full bypass, they all warned her about various things and shes very careful, but the thought the symptoms were related to the menopause rather than anything else!
Slapshot.......difficult times.

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