Yesterday morning at work I had some breakfast and although the bread didnt get stuck, I felt like I needed to clear my throat but couldn't.
Since then, I feel like I need to burp but when I try to get all the burps up I can't, it feels like a bubble or something, plus when I try it hurts.
Also when I move or bend a certain way I get a sharp pain when breathing in through my nose and it stops me breathing in fully. I am okay if I move or breathe through my mouth.
The full feeling is centre between boobs, and the pain comes centre in my back when I get it. If I sit still I dont have pain.
I can breathe normally most of the time just occassionally it causes this pain high up in my back, sort of like the back of my neck, and just wondered if there is any reason I should be off to a walk in centre or not.
I am on Lansoprazole and havent suffered with heartburn since starting that over 8 years ago. No other symptoms.
At the moment this is a "one off" episode that you have described and would indicate that there was some trauma ( scratching) to the gullet, which may take a couple of days to settle.
I cannot see the value of a " walk in centre" at the moment.
Monitor the situation for the next 2-3 days and if your symptoms still persist, then see your GP.