im 25 and thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend who i have been seeing for 6 years. But am i getting too old? i always pictured myself with a house, marriage and children before i was 30. Am i running out of time? i feel so confused. please help me guys!
If you're thinking of breaking up with him then you obviously have a good reason for it. Surely it would be better to be single than to be with someone you don't want to be with? There is no age limit to being single. 25 is no-way a bad age for it either. Better than staying with your boyfriend until you are 30 and then deciding to break up with him and wishing you'd done it at 25.
I've done it and i stangely feel better for it. thanks so much guys for opening my eyes and making me realise that life is too short to be unhappy. You have made me realise i am quite fortunate to be in this position now rather than in a few years when everything would be more complicated. Thanks so much everyone!