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jennyjoan | 07:18 Thu 22nd Oct 2015 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
Haven't seen her maybe in two months but she is an alarmist but must say - she is losing weight rapidly. She has had a very fat face and the face is thinning too much also her clothes are beginning to hang on her. I never said anything to her cos I know she would worry. She says she feels fine otherwise.

She is an extremely sedentary lady - - watches TV all day and then to bed - nothing is done in the house and now she is telling me she is looking for a cleaner. She is for a test up the bum in a few weeks time so I do hope she is okay.


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could be lots of reasons for sudden weight loss, why is she looking for a cleaner now and not before? maybe she is trying to change her life?
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for a more a sedentary one? This friend of mine was born to be a lady but the devil run away with the pattern. Loathes housework etc.
I can understand you being worried about the weight loss but I really don't understand why you concern yourself with how people chose to live their lives..
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Maybe Ummmmm - because I try to encourage her to live a far more healthier lifestyle.
Perhaps what Jenny is trying to say is that the weight loss could not be put down to a sudden increase in this ladies exercise regime?
Jenny -maybe she has been told by her doctor to lose weight? You have noticed the change as you have not seen her for a while. I remember dropping 2 stone and saw a friend I had not seen for months and she looked shocked and asked me if 'everything was ok'. I thought I looked the bees knees but obviously she thought I looked dreadful and had cancer lol!
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she shouldn't be losing weight with the lifestyle she lives. I encourage her to come to the park with me.
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retro - how can you lose weight when you spend pretty much 24 hours a day either sitting watching TV or in bed - that is her lifestyle - I am worried really - also I know she doesnt eat too much either - so something is wrong in my opinion.
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That thing is it an Endoscopy -up the bottom one.
You eat less.
something could be wrong jenny but it won't be helped by you worrying. Maybe the best thing to do is be up front about it and tell her your concerns -she may want to talk about it and confide in you but maybe you need to make the first move.
All this nonsense about diet.

She has lost weight and Dr has booked her in for an Endoscopy.

This should give one a clue.
She could have a weight related health problem and the doctor has advised her to lose weight - highly improbable but not necessary to dismiss it as nonsense.
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speak for yourself ozzy lol!
\\\\highly improbable but not necessary to dismiss it as nonsense.\\

I disagree Retrochic.

Let us look at the scenario.

Dr: You are overweight, i want you to go on a diet.
Friend: OK Doc.
Dr ( a few months later): Blimey you have lost weight, i want you to go for an Endoscopy.

Yes, you are correct..........
Dr: you have xxxxx which is not helped by you being overweight. Try and lose a few pounds and in the mean time I will arrange some tests........
Retro....ah! a much better scenario...thanks.

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