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Burnt Feet

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jennyjoan | 23:21 Thu 22nd Oct 2015 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Burnt 4 toes at the weekend but am plastering with zinc and castor oil and also Mr Maxie's little sausage - it seems to soothes him. Can't wait to get out tomorrow - even though I won't be walk ingtoo far - will get him down to the park and off the lead - hope it is not bucketing.


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How did you manage to burn your toes?

Sounds sore. look out for any infection if not healing JJ.
Guess it's time for you to stop walking on hot ashes JJ, try another act...

Laying on a bed of nails...?
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i thought I told yous - last Sat - took a notion for a bit of dinner - pots vegs/peas and gorgeous lamb chops. Was pouring some boiling water out of the potatoe pot when some of the boiling water poured onto 4 toes. It blistered away but then it went down so it just a became little inflamed. I used flamazine and the castor oil etc and it has calmed down but cant walk too far. Have just got up and smothered in more oil but it looks ok but still sore to walk on. I am actually up with this pain in my right elbow - just don't know what to do with it any more - please no doctors as it would be 4-5 weeks as it is not an emergency. I have used more rubs than enough and of course monitored the situation with the Ibrufen - nothing seems to help. Must say I don't stay on the Ibrufen which I get from Poundland and 600mgs a day - may do that one day or two then don't be bothered. I don't seem to have much faith in Ibrufen as it never hits the pain. I am going to have some paracodal now and get into bed again.
hope your toes are better soon Conne xx
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thanks Murray - as my ma used to say to me "there's always an *** or elbow wrong with you" - her words are true (re the oul arm anyway) LOL
"also Mr Maxie's little sausage - it seems to soothes him"

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I'm not sure castor oil is a good thing to use on burns. Oil tends to keep heat in. Get some cheap packets of frozen peas or ice to put on your feet.
I was wondering about Maxie's sausage too. Sorry, jennyjoan. ;) hope things get better soon.
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in nearly a week everything is healing well - will be going down to park today - I won't walk far but Maxie will get his run.. We call it YAHOO - it knows that means park.
"Burnt 4 toes at the weekend but am plastering with zinc and castor oil and also Mr Maxie's little sausage"

??? is this for real?
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yes zinc and castor oil brilliant for everything for me - maxie was constantly licking his little penis as in annoying him - put zinc on that - he never looked back - felt very cool and collected and stopped the licking actually loved it - is that clear enough.

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poured boiling water over all my toes except big one at the weekend - is that clear. omg just left foot mind you. you
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sorry submitted too soon - just left foot - just like MY LEFT FOOT LOL
Jenny if you tell half a story expect some raised eyebrows.....
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you see Retro I have brains to burn and expect everybody to follow me up quickly LOL Was the first post not clear enough. ah well -
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jaysus - sorry mentioned these burnt toes - cos I am still walking.
Jenny your attitude is beginning to alienate quite a few people on here who genuinely try and help you so take care with your feet and have a nice day I'm off this one ......
1ozzy I am known to raise a few eyebrows (and other things) on a regular basis ;-)

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